User's Guide EN

User's Guide English version


What to do first

When you launch the app for the first time, you will see the following screen.

Add an Item

First, let's create the item to be tracked with <+ ADD ITEM> button.

To add an item, input or select the following,

  • Name : name of item which you want to track

  • Category : you can choose the category of an item

  • Show in Home : if you check this option, this item will show on home page

  • Color : select your prefer color which will use for the item card on the home page and for the background of the timer page

If you want, you can add another items continuously.

Start Tracking

There are three ways to start tracking,

1) Start from Item List page

Tap the right-facing triangle icon of the item you want to track from the item list.

2) Start form Navigation Bar

  • Tap the right-facing triangle icon in the center of the navigation bar

  • Scroll to select the item you want to track

3) Start drom Home page

Of course, you can also start from Home page. Only to tap the item you want to track.


When you start tracking, you will be redirected to timer page.

  • Timer is started automatically

  • Timer can be paused by tapping the <PAUSE> button and resumed by <RESTART> button.

  • Tracked duration of less than 1 minute can be canceled. In other words, if you cancel within 1 minute, this tracked duration will not be recorded.

  • After 1 minute has elapsed, <RECORD> button can be tapped.

  • Record is automatically saved every minute, so even if you forget to tap <RECORD> button, you will still have some record!

All menus can be accessed from the navigation bar

  1. Home โ€ฆ First screen after launching the app. Items are listed.

  2. Record ... You can see / delete the tracked records.

  3. Start Tracking ... You also can start tracking with this button.

  4. Item ... You can see / add / delete the items.

  5. Setting ... You can switch to dark mode, check the user guide, etc.


This is the first screen after launching the app. Items which you created are listed.

You can control whether or not items are displayed here. To do so, turn on / off <Show on Home> button. There are 2 ways.

1) On the Item page

Go to Item page. Then tap the visibility icon in the item list to toggle visibility setting.

2) On the Edit Item Page

Go to Item page and select edit icon which you want to change visibility setting. Then turn on / off <Show on Home> checkbox.


You can see / delete the tracked records. In this page, you can switch between two tabs, <Daily> and <All>.

  • Daily ... You can see your tracked records day by day

  • All ... You can see / delete all the records so far

Daily tab

You can see your tracked records day by day.

  1. Go back by one day

  2. Use the calendar to select the date

  3. Current selected date

  4. Go forward by one day

  5. Jump to today

  6. Total daily recorded time

  7. Recorded time of each item

  8. Go to the record detail information page

Record Information page from Daily tab

You can see the detail information of the record.

  • Item Name ... The name of the item when tracked. Changes to the item name after tracking are not reflected.

  • Item Color ... The color of the item when tracked. Changes to the item color after tracking are not reflected.

  • Tracked Duration ... Internally retained recording time. Unit is milliseconds.

  • Tracked Time ... Time converted from Time Duration to hh:mm notation. Seconds are rounded down.

if you want to delete this record, go <All> tab page.

about Daily Total

Daily Total in the Daily tab is converted to hh:mm format after summing the Tracked Duration of each item. Therefore, the total Tracked Time for each item may not equal the Daily Total.

All tab

You can see / delete all the records so far

  1. Go to the record detail information page

Record Information page from All tab

You can see the detail information of the record and delete it.

  • DELETE ... You can delete this record. If you delete this record, you will no longer have access to it ever again. When you tap <DELETE> button, the confirmation dialog will appear.


You can see / add / delete the items.

  1. Change Visibility ... You can change the visibility by tapping this icon. If you set to "visible", you can see this item on the Home page.

  2. Start Tracking

  3. Edit Item ... You can edit and delete this item.

Edit Item

You can edit and delete this item.

  • Name ... You can change the name of item. Even if you change name of this item, it does not reflect to the records which have been recorded.

  • Category : You can change the category of an item.

  • Show in Home : You can switch the visibility setteings of this item on Home page.

  • Color : You can change the colorof item. Even if you change color of this item, it does not reflect to the records which have been recorded.

  • DONE ... To save your modification to this item.

  • DELETE ... You can delete this item. Even if you delete this, its tracked records will remain. When you tap <DELETE> button, the confirmation dialog will appear.


You can switch to dark mode, check the user guide, etc.

  • Use Dark Mode ... You can swith between Light mode and Dark mode.

  • Language Setting ... You can change app's language.

  • Use's Guide ... You can refer the user's guide page on our web site (it's here!).

  • Privacy Policy ... You can see our Privacy Policy on our web site.

Last updated