Welcome xtracker FOCUS Docs!
English followed by Japanese
What is xtracker FOCUS?
xtracker FOCUS is the time tracking app and you can record your focus time duration and history. xtracker is called "cross-tracker".
xtracker FOCUS makes it easy to track the time you focus on what you have done.
It is easy to use! Once you launch the app, you can start tracking with just one tap. There is no limit to the number of items you can track and the number of records you can save, so you can keep track of whatever you want.
Keeping a record encourages you to make a habit of them. You can also check your past records by day, which will help you feel a sense of accomplishment.
Now, start tracking your focus time with xtracker FOCUS!
Only iOS is supported
You do not need sign up to use an app
Data is stored on your device and is not shared on the Internet or elsewhere
See also,
xtracker FOCUS is developed by nangok lab from NANGOK SOFTWARE CO., LTD
xtracker FOCUSとは?
xtracker FOCUSは集中時間や作業時間を計測するタイムトラッキングアプリです。xtrackerは”クロストラッカー”と呼びます。
xtracker FOCUS を使うとトラッキングを簡単に行えるようになります。
さあ、xtracker FOCUSを使って集中時間の記録を始めましょう!
xtracker FOCUSは株式会社南国ソフトの"nangok lab"チームにより開発されています
Last updated